
PSP Go - a look inside

Image : http://www.flickr.com

The PSP Go is the latest version of the PlayStation Portable or PSP developed and produced by digital-giant Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. in 2009 and was officially presented at the 2009 Electronic Entertainment Expo, or E3.

The unit was established October 1, 2009 in America and Europe appear simultaneously. A release in Japan on 1 November of that year, then followed. At first glance, the first significant difference between the PSP and the GoEarlier versions of the design concept. Gone is the bar-like design earlier and slide design is reminiscent of the new phone models to scroll (like the Nokia 6600 slide). Sony has no intention of going to replace other versions of PSP, as it continues to manufacture the transferability of the model 3000, but improved, and more on mass action for the PSP.

The most important change is that the PSP Go been subjected, is the omission of the Universal Media Disc UMD disc or drive. The UMD drive is now a 16 gig internal flash memory, can store games where users, images, music, videos and other digital content replaces. The memory is expandable through the use of M2 memory stick, a staple food in many digital devices from Sony. Another important change for the PSP Go is the replacement of removable batteries, battery fixed. In terms of connectivity,> PSP Go is now compatible Bluetooth. This gives the possibility of PSP Go mobile phones with Bluetooth devices such as wireless headsets and the phone.

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PSP Go - not very impressive state and gamers Turn

Image : http://www.flickr.com

The phenomenon has been around the game long. Previously dominated by gaming consoles, the most important companies in the field of gaming consoles are Microsoft and Sony. Each company has designed and presented their own game console. If you remember, the product of Microsoft's Xbox and Sony's Play Station and change the popular or affectionately known as PSP (PlayStation Portable), because currently many of her designs are wearable and are now smaller.

It 's really aexcellent concept satisfied, because transportation to the consumer in a position their consoles and games wherever you want to have a game session. The product has many versions and each version still works fine as well as for gamblers give up when something comes redrawn. They get really attached to their PSP.

The latest gaming device, PSP Go The project has all the talk of the gaming enthusiasts, those whoconsidered a newcomer in the game world. The new device was published Oct. 1 in the U.S. and Europe and Japan with a date of November 1, 2009 will be released. It is a device that was expected worldwide. Many people waiting to buy or try to convince themselves that it is a great addition to their gaming system. The wait for this product is enormous, because it was to where it is as small as an I-Pod Touch again! MoreThe players, of course, are just curious about what the product upgrades, Sony has done what it will cost them and, of course, still be able to their UMD (Universal Media Player device) games.

The characteristics presented to consumers are the first of its kind. The PSP Go sport exterior surface a nice bonus, the cries of the top shelf. The keys are not plastic, but sturdy chrome. The screen size, although small boats the same beautifulColours like its predecessors, but without the interlacing problem, which went with three of the PSP. Moreover, instead of the UMD drive for wheels has 64 MB of memory with the addition 16 MB of internal flash memory for saving games and movies have been replaced. It has a very nice sliding door, so you can access the controls. Additionally, when you're done, you can easily slip into your pocket and go. N. messy cords, keeping records or bulky to be carrying caseProblems with.

Regarding the audio, the unit is equipped with speakers, so you can still enjoy the sound effects of games and also comes with a microphone, Wi-Fi integrated with the web browser and Bluetooth connectivity. It has USB connection, but I went the mini-USB connector. Sony has a proprietary USB cable, which fits only the PSP Go

Since the device has a Bluetooth connectivity, infrared, Bluetooth, but is much more convenient than infraredbecause you can use it for other devices. While there are some features missing, but you can not have it all. The advantages of the device to exceed the expectations of fans of the game, especially for those of us that the models have not experienced the previous PSP. The previous models were a great success and PSP Go is expected to increase its sales more than likely true during the holiday that is more than enough time for players to decide who wouldgreat addition to their mobile devices.

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