
Xbox 360 to Be Given Free of Charge in Schools

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Do I start this article by asking where are all the gaming consoles or should I ask where aren't they?

Probably the second would be more apt at this time as it certainly seems that there's not a place on earth where there isn't a console of some kind. I'll put a bet on it that if you're reading this then you've got a console by Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft, and if you haven't then you'll know someone who has.

They're everywhere you look - shops, homes, newspapers, magazines, work places - they're even in old peoples' homes, and some clinicians are using them for their patients recovery! No, I ain't kidding. A previous article I wrote goes into this in more detail.

Well, as if that's not enough, I've just discovered that they are now being used in our schools right here in Wales! Not by naughty kids under the desks, no Sir, but by the teachers of the schools for the education of our kids!

Sounds unbelievable right?

Not so when you look into what exactly is going on there.

Microsoft run a scheme called Partners In Learning Program where the pupils run an online business selling rugby kits and accessories. Venture Wales has been involved in the development of the scheme.

Being a teacher myself I would suggest that the teaching and learning of business enterprise skills at a young age is essential to developing future successful business managers and entrepreneurs in Wales.

In the scheme, the pupils learn about all factors of business including stock taking, pricing, employing staff and indeed firing staff! It's as real as it can possibly be.

The top two players in the scheme receive a prize and as the scheme is run by Microsoft there really can only be one worthwhile prize - yep, you got it - the Xbox 360!

The scheme has been welcomed by teacher and pupil alike and seems certain to mold into shape some excellent future business men and women.

Up until June, 2008 the scheme was offered free of charge to the schools and following this it is hoped that enough sponsors will come forward to make it available indefinitely.

Will it continue? Let's wait and see shall we, but I for one certainly hope so.

When further developments are available I shall of course be posting an article with all the latest information. I have links with some local schools so I can get the information first hand from the teachers. It sounds a huge positive step forward for the industry of the UK.

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