
Sony Ericsson C905, A Mobile 3D Game

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Aside from listening to music most mobile phone users are also avid gamers. Gamers range from CPU, Laptops, PSP, and Gameboy to mobile phones. Graphically, your first choice for gaming would be a PlayStation Portable or a GameBoy or stuff like that. Last, of course, would be playing on your phone. If you don't have much of a choice, you stick with your phone and painstakingly play away and absorb the poor graphics.

Playing games on the mobile phone is not quite entertaining compared to PSP's or Gameboy's since you can't get visual quality no matter how cool the game is. So those game addicts prefer to lug around a PSP or a GameBoy since it is more visually entertaining. So you would need to wear pants with extra or big pockets for it or bring a bag with you or just hang it around your neck. Of course you would look like you're showing off but for all they know it you are already agonizingly putting up with the stiff neck.

But a 3D feature on your mobile phone displaces everything about gaming. Plus you get to answer your phone whenever somebody calls in the middle of a game. Unlike portable game gadgets, you sometimes miss a call on your mobile phone just because you have game earphones on or you did not hear it or forgot to have it vibrate when you get a call. Just make sure the game your downloading is 3D compatible. You surely will need an extra battery for that or bring a charger with you. Just in case you run out of juice during traveling.

3D gaming on your Sony Ericsson C905 mobile phone... now that's entertainment!

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