
DIY Sony PSP Joystick replacement

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Having trouble with the joystick on the PSP and you lose precious hours of entertainment over the weekend because of it? I had this problem on several occasions, and I had to pay much money to the service center to solve the problem.

Besides the money, I also had days when I could not the PSP, since it was repaired. Here I will show you how to repair PSP, without sending it to.

Fixing / Replacing an analog joystick on the Slim Your PSP
If you have a PSP slim, you probably know that one of the problems seem to plague the owners is that breaks analog joystick. You must not do major surgery to replace your PSP. In most cases, is known to have problems with it if the plastic breaks, put in motion only one direction, or if it moves on its own.

Some tools you have before you should solve the problem, are the analog joystick for your new slim> PSP and a couple of small screwdrivers, both Phillips and Flathead. The joystick can be purchased on Amazon.com, so all you need next is to know how to mount it.

First step
First, remove the lid from the PSP, which is the product voids the warranty. There are 5 screws to be removed with the Phillips head screwdriver. Be very careful when removing the front panel, so as not to lose fiveScrews for the event. The screen shall be removed when the stick to be.

Second stage
Then take the stick from your PSP by sliding to the left. If you must move a bit, 'so it turns out. Contact the joystick to communicate with the motherboard and allows the plastic with the green circle.

Third step
Install the new joystick the opposite of what you have to remove it.

Now you have learnedfix the PSP analog joystick to send without it, the service will save you time and money if this happens again for you or your friends.

One possibility would be to purchase 's broken PSP price reduced to solving one for instructions and sell them, while a profit. It 's a way to make some extra cash on hand, without much effort.

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