
Video Conversion For PSP Using A Mac and iMovie

DON'T WASTE MONEY ON USELESS CONVERSION PROGRAMS! USE iMOVIE TO CONVERT VIDEOS FOR YOUR PSP! PSP Version 3.30: PASSED (Go ahead, you can update) Best of all iMovie is standard on all Mac computers! No software to buy, AT ALL! Very useful video if you want to put movies onto your PSP (PlayStation Portable) and have iMovie on your Mac computer. iMovie HD 6.0.3, QuickTime Pro 7.1.5, PSP Version 3.11, OS X 10.4.9 (PowerPC) used. Make sure all software is up to date, especially QuickTime! Please respect any and all copyright laws associated with your converted media. Piracy ruins it for everybody, please don't spport pirated media.


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